Dry Basements Webinar: A Builder’s Success Story with Gord Cooke



Watch On Demand with Expert Gord Cooke

Leaky basements and foundation cracks can be a major concern and a costly issue. By understanding the building science behind moisture protection, you can ensure your foundations and basements will uphold their performance expectations and remain dry and protected for years to come.

Building knowledge expert Gord Cooke navigates a discussion on below-grade building science to help you build better basements and find ways to correct existing moisture issues. Viewers also witness a unique, onsite installation journey and will be joined by Terra View Custom Homes President David Brix, who will provide a practical point of view from a contractor’s perspective.

This on-demand webinar covers:

  • Reasons behind why/how moisture enters the foundation;
  • How to identify faulty foundation walls;
  • Understanding how builders are at risk; and
  • The correct systems that will minimize risk and errors.

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About Gord Cooke, Construction Instruction Inc.

Gord is a professional engineer with over 25 years of experience in the low and high-rise residential building industry. As an educator, industry consultant and much sought-after presenter, Gord has a unique talent for taking the building science issues that he sees in the field, and presenting them in an easily understood and practical real-world manner. Gord has particular expertise in applied building science, energy efficient housing initiatives, innovative HVAC systems, ventilation, and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). He has developed and delivered a multitude of workshops in these fields, as well as sales and marketing courses for builders and real estate agents, to help them best promote the features and benefits of high- performance houses.