The Builder’s Guide to Open-Joint Cladding Systems
Open-joint cladding systems enhance the visual appeal of buildings. However, it exposes exterior walls to wind, water, and ultraviolet (UV) rays, thereby risking building performance and increasing the potential for the growth of mold and rot within the wall cavity.
Applying the right water-resistive barrier (WRB) in the right place can help building professionals protect their open-joint cladding designs well into the future and improve overall building performance and appearance.
The best barrier for open-joint cladding is resistant to tears and able to withstand the day-to-day environment of a construction site, since the WRB is often left uncovered prior to the installation of the cladding material. The durability is also a critical consideration for open-joint designs specifically because they leave some areas of the barrier exposed, even after the cladding is applied.
In the Builder’s Guide to Open-Joint Cladding Systems eBook, you’ll learn the primary role of a WRB for open-joint systems and the ways that it protects against the elements. You’ll also discover the key factors to consider when choosing the ideal barrier, and helpful case studies featuring the smart ways builders integrate open-joint cladding without sacrificing design.
Learn more about open-joint cladding design and protection at the DELTA® Academy:
The Open-Joint Cladding Lookbook
Get inspiration for your design work. Our lookbook features a collection of building projects that prove builders and architects can push the limits of creativity, without sacrificing reliable weather protection, in open-joint cladding systems.
Top 5 Open-Joint Cladding Designs
Open-joint cladding that balances the line of architectural design and high-performance protection showcasing how far building science has come. Check out these pioneering open-joint cladding projects.
A Cup of Joe: The Truth Behind Open-Joint Cladding with Dr. Joe Lstiburek
While open-joint cladding can look great, the concept doesn’t work for every project. Join Dr. Joe as he explains the theory behind the cladding, where it can be used, and what products need to be in place to ensure proper protection from water, air, and UV exposure.